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18 January 2017

January 2017 overview: Themes worth thinking about

It’s that time of the year. Media commentators are lining up to provide a “guess” (aka forecast) as to what might happen this year. Our turn.

12 October 2016

Why mortgage rates are set to increase

The Reserve Bank is still talking about low inflation and the potential for the OCR to decrease further, so how is it that in this environment mortgage rates can go up?

17 July 2016

Bigger than BREXIT

The Global Financial Crisis in 2008 was centred on the world having too much debt and yet today there is even more debt and more inequality.

12 May 2015

Global economic overview

I’ve literally just got back from a week of conferences in the United States.

09 March 2015

Why Europe is driving down fixed mortgage rates

TSB grabbed headlines in February when it came out with a 10 year fixed rate of 5.89%.

05 January 2015

Big economic trends you need to be aware of in 2015

With incredibly loose monetary policy implemented around the world we are going through uncertain economic times.

08 February 2014

The economic risks that lurk beneath

I'm an optimistic guy, and even I am uncomfortable with how much we are talking up our NZ economy.

02 September 2013

Mortgage rate forecast - Why they will stay low

Whilst economists and most commentators are talking up rates I’m going to provide a different perspective.

28 January 2012

Mortgage Rates: Let the summer craziness begin

It’s hard to write about mortgages every month and keep it interesting! This month has been easier with the landscape subtly changing, mostly for the better.

15 August 2011

Our economic reality - Is there any order in chaos?

What is going on in the world at the moment is far more complex than a US budget deficit. There is massive wealth inequality between the rich and the middle class.

23 July 2011

Rate forecast: Can you hear the interest rate tom-toms?

I write this article a day after the consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate came out at 5.3% and already you can hear the beat of the interest rate tom-toms.

07 June 2010

Mortgage Rates | Fasten your seatbelts

You need to take a macro view of interest rates to work out the future. My view?